Our design studio has everything we need to bring your inspirations to life.

From your inspiration

to commercialization

At Phase Three, our focus is innovation acceleration, and our product prototyping capabilities redefine the pace of concept realization. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities featuring additive manufacturing, injection molding, CNC milling, and more, our on-site capabilities transform design concepts into tangible prototypes with unparalleled speed and precision.


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At P3PD, we recognize that the ability to rapidly produce prototypes is not just a convenience but a strategic advantage in the fast-paced landscape of product development. Our on-site arsenal of cutting-edge technologies empowers our designing engineers with whatever they may need, right at their finger tips. Whether it's shaping intricate components through additive manufacturing or producing parts through injection molding, we bring your concepts to life with a level of speed and accuracy that sets us apart.


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The heart of our prototyping capabilities lies in the versatility of our prototype manufacturing processes. Our engineers seamlessly navigate between the modalities of component creation, adapting to the unique requirements of each project. This adaptability ensures that your prototypes not only meet the desired specifications but exceed expectations.


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The fusion of design creativity and manufacturing precision is where our prototyping capabilities shine. Each cut, shape, and creative move is meticulously crafted by our skilled engineers who understand that a prototype is not just a physical representation of a concept but a crucial step towards a market-ready product.

When time is of the essence, our rapid prototyping becomes a significant selling point for your product development journey. Whether you're exploring design iterations, validating concepts, or seeking investor buy-in, our prototyping capabilities offer you the agility to iterate swiftly and bring your vision to life. With P3PD Phase Three Product Development, witness the seamless convergence of design ingenuity and manufacturing prowess, where prototypes are not just products but milestones on the path to innovation.


Phase Three Product Development (P3PD) has simplified the product development process in the life science and medical device industries.

Arthur’s Rock - Fort Collins